A clarinet and guitar duo kick starts the 2020 Young Artists’ Concert Series with Soirée Espagnole on Saturday March 7 at Erin Hall in Rondebosch, at 7pm. Gold medallist and overall winner of the 2016 National Youth Music Competition (NYMC), clarinettist Cameron Williams is joined by guitarist Joshua Frank, a lecturer in musicology at Stellenbosch University (SU), to perform mainly Latin-American and Spanish works by celebrated composers including Astor Piazolla, Manuel de Falla, Enrique Granados and Manuel Ponce. Presented by the National Youth Music Foundation (NYMF), this concert sets the stage for the launch of the 2020 NYMC that will be presented from Tuesday October 6 to Saturday October 10 at the Hugo Lambrechts Auditorium in Parow. The NYMC annually attracts the cream of classical instrumentalist between the ages of 14 and 19. Unreserved seats for the concert are R120 and R70 for students, pupils and pensioners from Computicket.