The second installment of #JustMen – a multi-lingual docudrama, performed by South African men who tell their own stories and confront their own toxic masculinity, as a contributing factor in the violence perpetrated against women and children – is on at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio, for a limited season. Directed by Heinrich Reisenhofer, this production sees the return of Loukmaan Adams, and Thando Doni. They are joined by Peter Christians, a rap artist and reformed convict who now works as a facilitator in conflict resolution and gives talks to youth at risk. This season will offer a series of workshops for men, led by community leaders from gender-based organisations, on Saturdays July 20 and 27 and August 3. #JustMen runs from Wednesday July 17 to Saturday August 3, at 7.30pm, nightly, with three school’s performances on Thursday July 25, Tuesday July 30 and Thursday August 1, at 11am. Ticket prices are R120, R100 for block bookings of 10 or more and R80 for pupils and students. Booking is through Webtickets at 086 111 0005, online at or at Pick ‘n Pay stores. Contact Leon van Zyl at 021 680 3972 or for discounted group or block-bookings.