Staff and pupils of Alexander Sinton High School celebrated the spirit of youth with a production which took the audience “on a musical journey through the ages”.
The pupils impressed patrons of the Youth Evolution show, which was written, produced and directed by dance teachers, Anastacia Arendse and Jacky Badenhorst, music teacher Ferenaaz van der Schyff, drama teacher Amina Nordien and Write Club teacher, Monique September.
The show was held at the Joseph Stone Auditorium on Saturday May 21.
Songs and dance from the Great Depression with the birth of Jazz and the Cotton club, through the 1950s to today, with the Charleston, jive, ballroom, rock, disco, African and hip hop, were all featured.
Teacher Fazilet Bell said there was not a dull moment. “I left with a song in my heart,” she said.