■ The Tribute Fest, which takes place at Hillcrest Quarry in Durbanville on Tuesday December 26, features a number of bands that will be performing to honour the likes of Elvis, Neil Diamond, ZZTop, Depeche Mode, Joe Cocker and many more. On the line-up are Mark Haze, Patrick Canovi’s Kiss the Sky Show Band, Music 4 the Masses, Johan Liebenberg Band, The Rivertones, James Marais and various other collaborating artists. Tickets are R180 each and children enter free. Gates open at noon and the entertainment will start at 1pm, with the last band set to take the stage just after 10.30pm. There will be bars, food stalls and entertainment for the children. For more information send an email to events@thequarry.co.za or call 021 976 4959. Pictured is Ramaine Barreiro -Lloyd in her tribute to Tina Turner.