Film and television star Elton Landrew joins the cast of Langarm, the new musical by David Kramer at The Fugard Theatre from Tuesday November 20.
He will play the role of Eddie Jephta, leader of the Moonlight Serenaders langarm band.
Langarm is a story of love and intrigue set in the story-world of Cape Town’s ballroom dance culture in the 1960s.
“I am greatly looking forward to working with Elton again and know he is going to bring something special to the role of band leader Eddie Jephta,” says David Kramer.
Landrew will be joining cast members Cameron Botha as Jeff; Rushney Ferguson as Angelina and Kim Louis as hotel owner Dinah Levin. Pierre Nelson plays Van der Byl and Julio Jantjies is Lulu.
Langarm has an age restriction of 12.
Shows are Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8pm with a matinee performance on Saturdays at 3pm. From Sunday December 16, there will be an additional Sunday matinee at 3pm. There will be a performance at 8pm on New Year’s Eve, Monday December 31, also at 8pm.
Tickets range from R150 to R260 and can be booked through the Fugard Theatre box office on 021 461 4554.