Edgemead library has celebrated the 25th anniversary of its opening.
The function at the library last Wednesday was attended by Zahid Badroodien, the Mayco member for community services and health, as well as ward councillors and past and present staff.
The library opened on June 16 1994 as a branch of the Goodwood library, with five staff.
The Friends of the Edgemead/Monte Vista Library was established in 1999. It raises money for the library through exhibitions, craft markets and boot sales.
“Edgemead library is more than just a space for books and provides a place where residents can interact, learn, hone skills and acquire new hobbies. All libraries play a significant role in our lives and help to shape our world view,” said Dr Badroodien.
After nearly 20 years, the Monday morning book-mending group is still at it and volunteers clean DVDs and packs shelves.
“Edgemead has grown from an original stock of 13 000 items to about 50 000 different items accessed by patrons annually. Time spent at the library, whether it is to read a book or newspaper, to search for employment, or to just relax, is never wasted.
“The Edgemead library has become a landmark in the area and a space which facilitates cultural and artistic activities, contributing to a community that is well-rounded and grounded,” said Dr Badroodien.