A Bothasig clinic nurse has come up with a productive way for patients to kill time while waiting to see the doctor or collect medication.
The patients – and staff — are knitting clothes for premature babies, thanks to nurse Bernadette Philander’s idea.
They’ve already filled a box with beanies, blankets, tiny booties and more to be donated to Tygerberg Hospital and the Mowbray Maternity Hospital.
“It’s a blessing that our community is so gifted with handwork, and the one’s I’ve approached about the project have been more than willing to help,” said Sister Philander.
Baskets holding wool and knitting needles hang on hooks at the clinic so patients in the waiting room can knit a row or two while they wait.
They use a soft, pastel-coloured yarn, some of which has been donated, but Sister Philander has bought most of it from her own pocket.
Ironically, Sister Philander is not an avid knitter herself and she says many of the staff probably last knitted during their school days. But a camaraderie has developed as they help one another not to mention some healthy competition over who has knitted the most.
To donate wool or to join the knitting project, email deidre.poole@westerncape.gov.za or go to the clinic and ask to speak to Ms Poole.