A Bothasig police undercover operation not only netted a suspected drug dealer, it also led to the chance arrest of a man believed to be his “runner” as well as the seizure of drugs with a street value of R4 000.
The suspected dealer was arrested at a Richwood business, where he allegedly tried to sell drugs – tik, cat and cocaine – to the undercover officers on Wednesday July 26.
Warrant Officer Jaques Mostert, of the Bothasig police, said officers had also seized a late-model BMW used by the suspect.
“When the vehicle was searched, more tik and drug paraphernalia were found inside the vehicle.”
The suspect was taken to the Bothasig police station where he was charged with possession and dealing in drugs.
Warrant Officer Mostert said that while the officers had been processing the suspect they had called the phone number they had for him to check whether it matched the number of the phone found on him at the time of his arrest.
But that phone didn’t ring. Instead another phone rang… inside the police station.
It belonged to a “nervous looking” man who had been waiting in the charge office.
Warrant Officer Mostert said the officers had again called the number they had used to set up the drug deal and again the “nervous looking” man’s phone had rung.
“When approached, he informed members that he actually wanted to be assisted with an affidavit. However, he could not say why he wanted the affidavit.
“Members then asked him for his cellphone which he handed over. When phoned again the phone rang again.
“The 25-year-old Parklands resident was arrested on the spot and also detained as he could be connected to the illegal activities which happened earlier,” said Warrant Officer Mostert.