■ The 10th annual Century Run, where the combined age of participants and their motorcycles must exceed 100 years, was held earlier this month. This year, 44 riders participated in the 100km race, which starts at Century City, before weaving through the Durbanville winelands. The combined years of bikes and riders this year was 5165. The winner of the senior award and trophy was 71-year-old Brian Wallace, pictured, who had the oldest bike in the race – a 104-year old New Hudson – giving a combined age of 175 years. The oldest rider, however, was 87-year-old Ken Mercer who was riding a 1956 Triumph giving him a combined age of 148. Mr Mercer and Mr Wallace are among seven members who have completed all 10 Century Runs. The others are Ray Knowles, John Linaker, John Perkins, Ben Utting and John van der Westhuizen.