It is quite astounding that the City of Cape Town thinks it is okay to spend R450 000 on, essentially, trying to appease selfish speed freaks who break the rules of the road and put others lives at risk simply so they can live out there own little Fast and Furious fantasy.
And now, after a crash that cost a suspected street racer his legs, JP Smith seems ready to give them more money to play nice… and not kill anybody.
Appeasement doesn’t work.
Just one more rand given to these oafs is a rand too many in a city where people are living in such extreme poverty. Is it only in South Africa that the authorities seem to care more about the perpetrators of crime than the victims?
These illegal racers are breaking the law. They belong in jail. Spend our ratepayers rand on catching them and prosecuting them.
If they’ve got money to splash on their cars than they can afford to band together to build their own track to race legally. If they need more money… here’s a thought, they can fund-raise, just like regular law-abiding folks.
Or will the City be building drive-through bottle stores for drunk drivers next?