The Sunflower Fund is calling on people between 18 and 45, in general good health, weighing more than 50kg; and with a body mass index (BMI) of less than 40, to register as donors at their donor drive at Spine Road High School in Rocklands this Saturday March 2 from 9am until 1pm. The fund is a donor recruitment centre and stem cell registry that is part of a global network, dedicated to creating awareness about blood diseases and stem cell donation, recruiting blood stem cell donors and maintaining a registry of committed donors. They pay for the cost of the tissue-type testing. For more information, call the fund on the toll-free number 080 012 1082 or visit Actor and former Ajax Cape Town soccer star, Eric Macheru is an ambassador for the fund. “What most people don’t understand is that there are various blood diseases that can affect you at any given point in your life,” says Eric.