Last year, Social Development MEC Albert Fritz said there were 3 482 child-headed households in the province.
“If we are to turn this tide, and improve the quality of life for all children, we need to adopt a whole-of-society approach. This approach involves all spheres of government, including building partnerships with the private sector, NGOs, communities, and individuals,” he said.
He said the department has already begun implementing the Children’s Act which sets the norms and standards for the care of all children, including the more vulnerable ones.
“As a department we have nearly doubled the number of social workers in the last five years, from 388 in 2009 to 777 in 2014. In addition we co-fund 80 social work supervisors, 700 social workers, and 199 social auxiliary posts in the NGO sector, among which are our NGO partners that specialise in child welfare,” said Mr Fritz.