Jose Scalabrino, Bothasig
Please note my wife and I continue to save 65% that is we now only use 35% of our previous water consumption by following the City of Cape Town’s website advice to use all our “grey water” to flush our toilet.
Now Brian Joss in a recent article had unfortunately been highly misinformed as to the massive water saving potential of simply using buckets of grey water to flush our toilets with, rather than some very expensive plumbing alterations and talk of a 10% or maybe a 20% saving. The worst of it centred on tariff issues.
Now I beg to differ. Water is essential to life. So this is a life and death issue not a tariff issue. Please relay this message to all your colleagues for their due and urgent consideration.
* The City of Cape Town did not want to respond to Mr Scalabrino as they did not know what he was objecting to.
However, I believe Mr Scalabrino has seriously misread or misunderstood my column, (“No discount if you use grey water to flush the loo”, Off My Trolley, Tabletalk, May 18).
As with water, electricity charges are based on tariffs as is the petrol you pay for at the pump. The thrust of my column was that you do not get a discount on the water tariffs, no matter how many litres of grey water you use to flush your toilet or water your garden. There is no mention of “expensive plumbing alterations” in the column.
Neither is there any mention of a massive savings potential. Mr Scalabrino should reread it, even though he is a MCIOB (Member of the Chartered Institute of Building). Perhaps he should send my reply to all his colleagues for their urgent consideration – Brian Joss, Off My Trolley.