Bothasig police handed out certificates of appreciation to four Bothasig residents who helped SAPS with the arrests of four suspects for the theft of a motor vehicle and possession of car breaking implements. The recipients, who are members of the community police forum and Edgemead and Bothasig neighbourhood watch, received their certificates from Bothasig station commander, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Jacobs. Pictured from left, are, Neal and Jenny de Wit, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Jacobs, Michael Meyer and Dan di Tripani.
Metro police’s Deputy Police Chief Yolanda Faro said the drugs had been booked in as evidence at the Milnerton Police station and the investigation was ongoing.
* Milnerton police arrested three people on Thursday June 16 for drug offences. Milnerton police spokeswoman Warrant Officer Daphne O’Reilly said officers arrested a 34-year-old man in Mnandi street, in Dunoon, at 4.20pm, after finding tik in his pocket.
At 10.51pm, officers arrested a 29-year-old man with a stop of dagga in Mbudi Street, Joe Slovo. A few minutes later, while patrolling Democracy Way, they arrested a man with tik.
* Officers, acting on a tip-off, searched a Dumani Street address in Dunoon on Saturday June 18, at 5pm, and arrested a 28-year-old woman after finding a packet of dagga lying next to her in bed.
* Police arrested a 42-year-old man in Montague Drive, Montague Gardens, on Saturday June 18, at 12.40pm, after finding mandrax on him.