Marinda Spolander, Table View
I am writing to you with regards to the health hazard that has developed in Table View / Blaauwberg Road.
We were broken into at end of May, and a good Samaritan found my husband’s wallet with his cards in it at the Blaauwberg Road bridge crossing to Potsdam.
We went there to see if we could find any other stolen goods, but only found a cesspool.
The fencing on the side over the bridge has been broken down, and there are people walking through and even living under the bridge. There was lots of garbage, and people are defecating there. The place is full of human poo, that with the rains is washed into a stream. This, in turn, feeds the underground water and dam on the left and right side of the bridge.
I believe this could lead to an outbreak of cholera in the area.