David Thorpe, Table View
The article (“Watch in War of Words,” Tabletalk, February 7) refers. My understanding is that correctly constituted neighbourhood watches’ fall under their local CPFs and, consequently, are accountable to the Minister of Police.
If Watsonia Street Patrols is not correctly constituted under the Table View CPF, then it should ensure that it is before going any further, otherwise it is acting as a private company and would fall under PSiRA.
Is Watsonia Street Patrols registered as an NPO? If not, perhaps it should not be asking for donations.
Frankly, stating that preference would be given to houses which are contributing would seem to be extortion and should be investigated by SAPS.
Is the bank account which is receiving donations registered in the name of Watsonia Street Patrols or in the name of a private person or another business?
The members of registered neighbourhood watches, such as TVNW, fund themselves for fuel, radios and equipment and give generously of their time taking them away from their families to serve their communities.
Neighbourhood watches are worthy of support as one can never quantify the level of crime that might occur if they were not there.
Tabletalk asked Andre Wolheim, of Watsonia Street Patrols, for comment, but he declined.