Boycott business that break by-laws and don’t stick to their trading hours, ward councillor Fabian Ah-Sing told a meeting in Milnerton last week.
About 50 people attended the meeting with the Ward 55 councillor at the Milnerton community hall on Tuesday September 19. The ward comprises Tygerhof, Sanddrift, Brooklyn, Ysterplaat, Lagoon Beach Woodbridge Island and parts of Milnerton.
Pollution at Lagoon Beach, prostitution along Koeberg Road, drug dealing, and illegal dumping were some of the other issues touched on.
Mr Ah-Sing said businesses skirting around by-laws would soon change their attitudes if customers stayed away.
“If we stop supporting these businesses, we will see a change in their behaviour and they will start abiding by the law.”
Meanwhile, Lianne Lippert, of Tygerhof Crime Watch Trust, blamed much of the illegal dumping in the area on horse carts, while Anthony Sebastiano, of Brooklyn, said shops in Koeberg Road left their rubbish on the pavement.
Mr Ah-Sing advised residents to call out the culprits and spread the message that illegal dumping would not be tolerated.
Mr Ah-Sing said he had given Brooklyn and Ysterplaat most of the ward’s budget because they needed the money the most.
“I drive through Tygerhof, and I see that I don’t need to spend any extra money on these areas, especially cleaning, because they are clean.
“It makes sense to use the money where it is needed. We can’t equally divide the money where some parts will suffer,” said Mr Ah-Sing.
However, Ms Lippert said that decision had upset constituents in other areas.
“Funding should be allocated fairly across the entire area. If there were no issues in other areas, then it would be understandable. But this is most certainly not the case.”