John Darne, Table View
It is all very well crowing over the widening of Plattekloof Road, but I ask Mr Herron when are they going to widen, or build a new bridge over the N7 (“Plattekloof carriageway upgrades comes in R20 million under budget,” Tabletalk, June 13)?
The present narrow bridge defeats the whole point of widening Plattekloof Road. That bridge is an absolute bottleneck during most of the day, but in peak hours is a total disaster, with traffic building up as far back as Koeberg Road and even further back.
Why not use the R20 million they saved on Plattekloof Road, to help finance widening the bridge or building a new one?
Jandre Bakker, spokesman for the provincial Department of Transport and Public Works, responds:
The capacity improvements to the refinery bridge are in the provincial government budget within the medium term expenditure framework (MTEF), and will be implemented as soon as all processes are completed.
This is projected to be early in 2019, at this stage.