White lights and symbols have replaced the traditional green, amber and red for MyCiTi buses along Blaauwberg Road, in Table View, to minimise confusion at the traffic lights.
The City’s urban mobility directorate is piloting the new signal system for MyCiTi buses on the route. It was launched at the R27, Raatz Drive, Grey Avenue and Janssens Avenue intersections on Monday May 10 by mayoral committee member for urban mobility Rob Quintas and various officials.
The City did not respond to queries about the cost of the pilot project; the projected cost of the project for all traffic lights on MyCiTi routes, if the pilot is successful; and where the signals would be installed next.
In a statement, Mr Quintas said: “The main motivation behind this pilot project was to introduce a signalling system that could prohibit confusion among motorists at these intersections, which, up until now, served both private vehicles and MyCiTi buses.
“The bus signals were often mistaken as signals for vehicular traffic, which resulted in private vehicles reacting erroneously and causing unfortunate collisions.”
The pilot project would test the signal system for the whole MyCiTi bus service, and if it was successful, it would be introduced to other routes in the city and included in the South African Road Traffic Signs Manual for use by other cities and transport systems, he said.
Inspired by lights used in the UK and some European countries, the new signals matched international best-practice standards and the City was testing them in six-month consultation process with the national Department of Transport, Mr Quintas said, adding that bus drivers on the relevant routes had been trained on how to respond to the new system.
Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis hailed the new signals as a “first of its kind” in the country.
Mr Quintas said: “I advise road users in Table View to approach these intersections along Blaauwberg Road with caution during the trial period and to remember that the new bus signals apply to MyCiTi buses only.”
All motorists were urged to continue following the normal road rules.