Brian Jeffries, Bothasig
I heard via a note in my post box that, “There will be a disruption of mail service from March 24.
“Please be informed that your letters will be available from Edgemead post office over the counter from March 29 2016 until the new box lobby is completed.”
I asked at the post office before they closed when the new “box lobby” would be completed. They didn’t know.
I asked (tongue in cheek) if we would get a refund on the amount paid for a post box or if there would be an adjustment next year? They didn’t know.
I asked if they would give me a contact number of someone who could answer my questions. They gave me 021 945 1078.
I phoned this number and was given another number to phone – 021 590 5514. I spoke to a charming lady who also couldn’t answer my questions, as she didn’t know the answers but suggested that I write a letter of complaint – which I did.
I emailed my letter to the given address, but, to date, no answer or acknowledgement.
I think that I am entitled to know the answers to my questions, as I have paid for a service that is not provided.
One reason for taking out a box was the convenience of being able to access received mail any time during the day or night. Now, I have been told that mail must be collected over the counter at Edgemead post office during office hours and, proof of identity must be produced. I can semi-understand the rationale of closing some post offices, but customers should also be considered.
I am “told” that at other closed post offices there is still a post box service. I don’t know why Bothasig has to be different.
Possibly someone will have the answers, and you would think that the post office would at least acknowledge a written complaint?
* Rian de Jager, SA Post Office Western Cape regional retail manager, responds:
As reported in Tabletalk, the Bothasig post office is closing due to non-renewal of the lease agreement (“Post office branches to close down,” Tabletalk, March 16).
The boxes that are built into the wall will have to be removed and a new lobby box installed. The landlord still needs to decide where on the property this may be erected.
The SA Post Office apologises for both the inconvenience of collecting mail and the unsatisfactory service received; the latter will be followed up internally.