Pam le Roux, Milnerton
Aletta Margaretha Bosman nee De Wet served our community, and indeed the Cheshire Home for our handicapped residents, for the past 35 years, spreading love wherever she went and extending her comforting arms and words of wisdom to one and all.
Her unfailing smile and welcoming greeting of ‘how can I help?’ is emblazoned on my mind.
No matter what the setback was, Alet had a kind word and offer of help to impart.
I doubt the community realises just yet what Alet’s untimely passing means to our scurrying lives.
Having served our community so unselfishly, in spite of her personal struggles, Alet has been called to higher service, that of Our Lord, for outstanding achievement here on Earth.
Rest in peace, Alet, and may God have mercy on us all. Amen.