Zelda Wiltshire, Table View
In response to the attack on Patches in Summer Greens (“Summer Greens dog put down after pit bull attack,” Tabletalk, April 5).
The way I see it is that it is very sad and unfortunate for the poor Patches.
Apart from the fact that everybody was either having a party or a braai and nobody really cared about “just a dog”.
The owner said “I heard the gate open”. Did the pit bull open the gate, or was the gate open?
Thereafter Patches was left on the floor to “bleed out”, and only taken to the vet the next day to be euthanised.
I was also witness to a dog attack when my own Staffordshire bull terrier was attacked by my boerboel, and I woke up the whole of Kokstad, where I lived, until I could find a vet who would see to Chomper immediately, the same day at midnight.
I didn’t leave her just to suffer in pain for the whole night.
Something could have been done to help Patches earlier.