Peter Landsberg, deputy chairman of the Brooklyn Ysterplaat Neighbourhood Watch
The Brooklyn Ysterplaat Neighbourhood Watch (BYNW) wishes to appeal to all members and residents to support the Brooklyn Ysterplaat Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association (BYRRA) meeting on Thursday September 5, at 6pm, in the Focus College hall in Koeberg Road.
Brooklyn and Ysterplaat are plagued by crime and grime.
Only by working together can we make a difference. A united front will yield the results we wish to achieve. In order for us to receive more effective policing resources and visibility, we need to work with the relevant authorities and not only report all incidents, but follow through.
We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. But, we cannot continue to bury our heads in the sand. We all need to become more proactive.