Tabletalk celebrated our 30th anniversary last week and to spread the joy our cake was given to Ronnie’s Daycare in Camden Street, Brooklyn.
We were greeted by thankful daycare owner, Ronnie Weston.
The children’s little faces lit up as the cake was brought inside and they could be heard whispering to each other in anticipation of getting a piece.
An emotional Ms Weston told Tabletalk about the daycare and the circumstances some of the children come from.
“I have been doing this for 32 years. I could see that we live in a poor neighbourhood needing a lot of assistance.
“Parents need someone to take care of their children while they try to make ends meet.
“Often, these parents don’t have much money to send their kids to daycare but I believe that this should not prevent a child from getting a place where they can be kept safe for the hours their parents are at work,” said Ms Weston.
She wants to make a difference so that her community becomes a better place to live in.
Ms Weston and her husband, Lewis, are very grateful for all the help they get from other residents and from other people outside the community.
When Tabletalk asked Ms Weston what keeps her going after all these years, Mr Weston jumped in and said: “Patience and dedication”.
Ms Weston said you couldn’t do this work if you didn’t really love it.
She thanked Tabletalk for recognising her and her efforts.