The Richwood Neighbourhood Watch clocked 330 hours of patrolling during May, according to a report given at its monthly meeting last week.
Patrol co-ordinator Craig Clacher told the meeting at the Richwood community hall on Tuesday May 31 that 20 patrollers had notched up 1 578 hours and covered 7 652km since January.
Glen Marais, the watch’s chairman, said apart from the patrollers, the watch also had a steering group that saw to management tasks and spotters who stayed at home and reported suspicious happenings in the neighbourhood.
Sergeant Luan Stears, from the Bothasig police, said theft from cars had shot up by 50% in April.
In May there had been eight break-ins: four at night and four during the day.
Mr Marais said one of Richwood’s biggest problems was theft of motorcycles and scooters. In the last six months about six scooters and two motorcycles had been stolen.
The watch plans to hold a “back to school” dance later in the year to raise money for new bibs for its members.
* The next meeting is on Tuesday June 27. Call 062 140 1435 for details.