Ward 55 councillor Fabian Ah-Sing handed over radios and radio pouches, at a meeting last week, to neighbourhood watches patrolling Brooklyn, Ysterplaat and Tygerhof.
About 30 residents of the ward attended the meeting at Ysterplaat Primary School, where Mr Ah-Sing updated them on projects in the area.
Tygerhof Neighbourhood Watch member Lianne Lippert, thanked Mr Ah-Sing for the gear, saying: “This will greatly enhance our communication whilst on patrol.”
Mr Ah-Sing urged residents to do their bit to keep their neighbourhoods clean because the money being spent on it could be spent on other projects.
“One thing I want people to know is that, as your councillor, I will always try to help and fight for your wishes but there are certain things that I cannot do,” said Mr Ah-Sing.
Rachel Coetzee, a Rugby resident whose house burnt down two months ago (“Rugby family left in the lurch,” Tabletalk, May 16) was also at the meeting and pleaded for the councillor’s assistance.
“It’s been over a month now and we still have not received assistance. Is there anything you can do?” she asked.
Mr Ah-Sing said that there was not much he could do as the housing units were owned by the province. However, he said he had asked the Human Settlements MEC to help or update him on the situation.
“I will follow up and see what we can do, and I will give you an update next week,” he said.