JH Jones, Tableview
Around May 10 I received an account from the City of Cape Town plus a notice regarding excessive high consumption for the amount of R47 591.70.
As it is only my wife and I that live in our house, I thought there must be something wrong so I checked all the taps and went and checked my water meter and found that the meter was still running. I immediately called my insurance company and they in turn sent out a leak detection company and lo and behold, they detected a leak under my paving. They set about chopping up the paving and within 1.5 hours had repaired the leak. Upon checking the account, which was sent I also noted that the City had not read my meter for 128 days and I find that if the City had done their work and read my meter each month the excessive high consumption would have been noted earlier and could have been repaired.
I proceeded to the Milnerton municipal office and was told by the gentleman that I could not apply for a rebate seeing as how I had already received one in 2016.
I sent an email to the accounts department stating my situation but so far I have received no feed-back. I then sent an email to the director of revenue on May 23 and still no feedback. On May 30, I sent a fax to the ombuds office and still no feedback.
* The City of Cape Town responded: The City can confirm that the customer will be contacted and advised soonest.