Hope springs eternal for Table View actress and runway model Muye Ruider who remains optimistic that the entertainment industry will recover after the pandemic.
Muye, 19, was invited to attend the International Modelling Talent Association (IMTA) convention in New York. However, the global pandemic threw a spanner in the works, postponing the convention until further notice and putting Muye’s trip to the Big Apple on ice.
Last year, she took part in various theatrical productions, such as the comedy Check, Please! by Jonathan Rand, and a modelled a Brenda Quin and Dax Martin design for a Kevin Ellis extravaganza evening.
“I believe that there is still hope in the midst of the pandemic, which is why I have shifted my attention towards aspects of life that I can control in order to restore self-confidence as well as to keep me motivated and focused,” says Muye.
At the moment, Muye is staying in her birth country, Namibia, with family during lockdown, and she has created a daily routine centred around “an uplifting mind-set and activities”.
“I start my day with a 10-minute morning meditation routine, which then progresses into yoga, and then I read a chapter of my favourite book, Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person, by Shonda Rhimes.”
This is followed by daily online acting and modelling workshops to be ready for new projects when the industry starts again, says Muye.
“Since I am an optimist, I do believe that the entertainment industry will recover which is why I am using my time, productively, to improve my acting and runway skills. Apart from developing my skills at home, I am also participating in online workshops.
“I took part in the New York Film Academy (NYFA) online workshop, which was held by Roger Del Pozo, who is the NYFA’s director of outreach, and Joey Zangardi-Dixon, who is the director of musical theatre admissions. The workshop focused on live online virtual audition preparation for actors and musical theatre performers.”
The 33 and Me Talent Agency, which Muye belongs to, has also been doing daily, live workshops on Instagram, since lockdown began.
“My advice to other performers and artists is that they should remain positive, motivated and focused on their craft so that when lockdown is over they will be ready to excel in the entertainment Industry,” she says.