Pierre Marais, Waves Edge
Personally I don’t believe the mayor’s meeting was derailed, or that anyone is working against it (“Mayor’s meeting derailed,” Tabletalk, February 13).
No, not sensationalism, just facts. There is much to be done in the Table View beachfront area, compared to, for example, Sea Point. There are also important concerns that did not get a mention. Other than the beach infrastructure that is sadly lacking, nothing whatsoever is being done about the fence that disappeared between the R27 and the Waves Edge area.
This is a dangerous situation where a busy highway adjoins a built-up area. We informed Ward 107 councillor Nicky Rheeder a year ago, but she appears helpless or maybe not interested. Then there’s the annual plague of bulrush seeds. This happens year after year with no solution in sight. All kinds of excuses, but nothing significant is done. So the mayor has his hands full, when he comes back this way.
Nicky Rheeder responds: The resident is referring to a provincial fence that was removed by Province. I have requested them, on several occasion, to assist in replacing it. The matter is still receiving attention.