Three hundred Joe Slovo residents received title deeds to their homes from the City of Cape Town during a ceremony held at the Joe Slovo Sport and Recreation Centre on Friday June 22. The deeds handed over were for the Breaking New Ground houses for households with a monthly income below R3 500.
Suzette Little, mayoral committee member for area north, said a title deed was more than just the piece of paper it was written on.
“It restores dignity, and gives the homeowner a sense of belonging and an opportunity to interact in the property market, among other things,” she said. The beneficiaries, who are already living in the houses, were selected from the City’s housing database.
Councillor Wandisile Ngeyi said it was a historic event for the people of Joe Slovo Park to receive legal documents that confirmed their ownership.
“It was an exciting moment to see some tears going down and the feeling that was there,” he said.
Ms Little added: “Home ownership marks a start of a new story for the beneficiaries. I want to urge them to look after their homes and ensure that they are well-maintained so that their properties in return can increase in value and be valuable assets that they can proudly leave behind for their loved ones.”