* 1st Milnerton Sea Scouts won the Senior Sailing Scout Trophy last month at Sandvlei, near Muizenberg. First in a fleet of nine Saldanha-class dinghies, they were tested in their pulling (navy-style rowing) skills, as well as their sailing tactics as the breeze filled in during the late morning. In preparation for the regatta, the scouts held a “sleep-over” in their boatshed at the sea scout facility on the shores of Sandvlei. 1st Milnerton’s junior scouts (under-14 age-group) also fared well, with their small crew staging a furious comeback from the rear of the fleet to finish third over the line. Pictured, from left, are Miguel Dantas, Jezi O’Hagan and Dean Beukes. Seated with the trophy is Greg Cramb.