Leon Alhadeff,Table View
The editorial comment (“TVRA or TV soapie”), based exclusively on the article “Stormy weather for TVRA”, Tabletalk, July 20) is most regretted.
An article based on two Facebook posts, and the subsequent threads, while conveniently ignoring critical response posts that present a balanced view – does not make for an accurate, well researched or balanced article.
Although recognising that I did retract authorisation after my telephonic interview, last week Tuesday, let it be noted that I did so confidently – knowing that my sentiments were well documented in the public domain – both within Facebook and the article “TVRA boss plans to run for office” (Tabletalk, February 3).
The fact that pertinent commentary was blatantly ignored, is something Tabletalk will be required to answer to, as I have every intention of lodging a formal complaint with the Ombudsman, should this not be retracted, corrected in entirety prior to a formal apology being published. It is my expectation that the commentary excluded, will be included – as will the entire Facebook post, titled Hidden Agenda.
Given that this article was then used as justification for such editorial comment, is beyond a lapse of judgement and does in itself question the motivation, political bias and perhaps even the professionalism and judgement of the editor herself, who chose to enter such an arena, half-cocked with loose allegations presented as fact, all while knowing that such can never really be retracted after print and or distribution and or more importantly ever be substantiated.
A bigger question that begs to be answered is why this editor chose to present a page 1 headline – pertaining to a community spat, all while ignoring the very real challenges this community faces on a daily basis, the fact that there are pertinent questions relating to service delivery, illegal taxis, road ordinance issues, bulk services concerns, developmental issues, vagrants and even erf 1117 not being answered to by the current incumbents, who have for an extended period not attended a single community meeting and have yet to address this ongoing questions, outside of paid for events to raise funds for the local elections.
My analysis of the nature of such a vexatious editorial commentary and what most importantly being ignored begs the answer to one simple question – whose political master is/are being best served here? Especially so, when community activists and the community itself faces editorial wrath, so close to local general elections 2016.
In this regard, I look forward to either being presented with fact that supports your allegations and or an editorial commentary that goes far beyond an apology.
* Editor, Chantel Erfort, responds:
Members of the TVRA and those who have contributed to posts on the Table View Ratepayers Association and Table View Frustrated Residents and Rate Payers Association (sic) Facebook pages, have accused us of being mouthpieces for both the DA and the ANC. We can assure readers that we are the mouthpieces of no party – but rather seek only to be a platform where issues of community interest can be raised. And during the 29 years that this paper has been around, we have reported extensively on the challenges faced and achievements marked in Table View and the other communities we serve.
With regard to the editorial which Mr Alhadeff has taken exception to: we disagree that it was “vexatious”.
Editorials by their very nature, are platforms for fair comment and reflection on stories making the news and we, therefore, also refute Mr Alhadeff’s assertion that the contents thereof were “allegations presented as fact”.
Space constraints prevent us from publishing Mr Alhadeff’s “Hidden Agenda” post, in which he stresses that: “I did not embark on this journey to become a politician. I did not embark on this journey for public acclaim and I certainly did not embark on this journey to win public favour”, which can be read in its entirety at https://ww w.facebook.com/groups/FRUSTRATEDATTABLEVIEW/permalink/1733414846870484/