Pamela Joan Stephenson, Flamingo Vlei
I belong to a group of enthusiastic knitters and crocheters who throughout the year are always busy making blankets, scarves, beanies etc. for distribution to the under privileged.
With the icy cold winter we have experienced this year, we have been extra busy and our wool supplies have dwindled dramatically. With so many willing knitters – who themselves are unable to afford to keep providing wool – we rely on the public to support our cause with wool donations.
These can take the form of new balls of wool or even unfinished items and odd balls of wool found in granny’s cupboard, or stashed in a knitting bag in a garage for “another day”. Please keep us in mind and help to keep others warm.
Being deaf, I am providing my husband’s contact number – 0767955566.
Should you be able to donate, please phone or message him (Allen)
He does not have WhatsApp but we will get back to you. We are willing to collect donations if within a reasonable driving distance. Thank you in anticipation.